Last month, Bionieuws – a professional newsletter for biologists – ran a feature on 3Dneuro (Letter 7, May 14 2022). Our co-founder Tim can be seen assembling a metal microdrive.
In the interview, we covered a few themes, summarized below:
- How one of our main goals is to make experiments easier for scientists, specifically by identifying gaps overlooked by engineers when it comes to user experience.
- How the R2Drive, our metal microdrive distributed in collaboration with the Buzsaki lab at NYU, allows researchers to re-use their silicon probes up to 3 times.
- Some advantages of the rat head fixation setup we are currently developing for distribution, in a collaboration with Nelson Totah at the University of Helsinki. Enabling behavioral tasks in virtual reality environment, with animals considered “smarter” than mice, while presenting a larger brain that can accommodate more recording equipment for larger data yields.
- Our first collaborator and customer on the Radboud campus, Mike X Cohen.
- Our current effort to transition to an open source model.
- The precision of stereolithography 3D printing.
The full article, in Dutch, is behind a paywall. Pdf version available on request.