In the past month, two preprints featuring 3Dneuro were posted online and submitted for peer-review. This work is the result of longstanding collaborations with the Genzel lab at Radboud University, and the Zero-noise lab at the Ernst Strüngmann Institute in Frankfurt. Both projects feature custom designs and are open-source.
The DREAM implant: A Lightweight, Modular and Cost-Effective Implant System for Chronic Electrophysiology in Head-fixed and Freely Behaving Mice In this study, a novel design is introduced for implanting silicon probes using the R2Drive in combination with a 3D-printable headgear and a fast head-fixation device based on a clamping mechanism.
The TD drive – A parametric, open-source implant for multi-area electrophysiological recordings in behaving and sleeping rats Here, an implant for bilateral recordings from several brain areas was developed. Parametric design principles make it so that one can easily change the target brain areas.